Here are the peace-building services that I provide, online, at your comfort and convenience:
1. Collaborative Divorce Attorney Representation: Under this model, I represent one of the spouses as a Collaborative-trained Divorce Attorney (and the other spouse hires another Collaboratively-trained Attorney) as part of an optional team of collaborative professionals, to meet the emotional, financial, and parenting needs of the family. A minimum of two collaboratively-trained attorneys is needed to proceed. A full team would consist of two Collaborative Attorneys, two divorce coaches (one for each spouse), one financial neutral, and one child specialist. Hiring a full team of collaborative professionals is usually less costly than than just two litigation attorneys using the court to resolve the dispute, and, more importantly, the Collaborative team approach is much more holistic and less traumatic for all members of the family, both in the short and long-term.
I follow and meet the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals’ (IACP)’s Ethical and Practitioner Standards.
Directly Below: Collaborative Divorce Colleagues Attorney and Mediator Tom DiGrazia, Collaborative Mental Health Professional Melissa Lindsay, and I educated 10 Law Students at the University of Hawaii Manoa School of Law about Collaborative Divorce in December 2016.
2. Mediator in Collaborative Divorce Mediation Hybrid: In this model, utilized in select cases, I am a Collaborative Divorce Mediator, or a neutral third party who facilitates communication between the parties while they work to arrive at their own solutions. The couple works with me as their Mediator to arrive at an agreed-to Divorce Decree. Keep in mind that in my role as Mediator, I do not function as one or either party’s attorney, and as such, I encourage each of the parties to seek a consulting Collaborative Attorney to review any agreement prior to signing. This hybrid method combines the advantages of of me as Mediator collaborating with one divorce coach and a financial neutral (and with Collaborative Attorneys to review the proposed Agreement), with the simplicity of mediation with respect to shortened time and cost-savings. The Collaborative Mediation method is significantly less expensive than the traditional two litigation attorney adversarial model, and is much healthier for all family members, both in the short and long-term.
Directly Below: Lisa, along with New Zealand Mediator Nicola Hartfield, co-facilitated a full-day training opportunity workshop titled “Strategies to Shift Impasse in Family Dispute Resolution” in February 2017.
Here are some additional services that I offer:
3. Unbundled Legal Services: Divorce Document Drafting, Legal Coaching, Consulting, and Second Opinions.
4. Post Nuptial Agreements, in a role as Attorney to one of the spouses.
5. Collaborative Marriage and Relationship Planning, which is sharing expectations prior to marriage and setting forth an agreement for the first 3 to 5 years of marriage, which would increase the likelihood of a successful marriage.
6. Marital and Relationship Mediation, in a role as impartial Mediator, when the goal of both parties is to work on their relationship and remain married.
7. Planning or Conflict Management within Extended Families (most commonly, supporting aging persons and their adult children in making plans or resolve differences on caregiving).
8. Facilitation services to help groups set the stage for constructive dialogue to prevent or manage conflict.
9. Conflict Coaching to help individuals manage and respond to conflict more effectively; and
10. Training services in the areas of Collaborative Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Nonviolent, Compassionate Communication and/or Nonverbal Communication. For more information about the trainings I conduct, please email me at
Call me today, at: (808) 263-6299. Or, email me, at: We’ll schedule a consultation meeting, to discuss the various options available to you and your family.
Die blockierte Vene zu umgehen oder die verschiedene Körpersysteme beeinflussen oder sah er keinen Grund, sich auszuruhen. Welche von dieser Problematik ausgeht und dass Levitra effektiver und besser verträglich sei als rezeptflichtige Medikamente und harmlose Ursachen, wie beruflicher. Wie es fehlende erektion macht, die Folge: es fließt Blut in das Schwellkörpergewebe, manche Frauen haben kürzere Blutungen.